Sunday, 14 October 2007

Zut, alors!

St Just
Yesterday's weather: perfect

Oh dear. I have a feeling that it is all going to go horribly wrong. Depending, of course, on who wins the Rugby World Cup semi-final later today. Argentina haven't made it this far in a World Cup before so they should be the underdogs. If South Africa win this evening then England will have once again to face up to their humiliating 36-0 defeat of just a few weeks ago.

Oh yes. Of course I was supporting England to win yesterday. (Ahem)

There's a hush across the valley today and no way are we going into the village for a couple of days at least. If we do we will remain silent and if anyone speaks to us we will do that wonderful Gallic shrug and pout and pretend we have no idea about anything.

'Beh, oui, alors.' one says, shaking the head looking downwards and walking away. At least that is how we are trying to perfect blending in with the natives. They have this wonderful shrug, pout, shake and move thing to perfection and long ago I realised that if you throw in an 'Alors ...' with it and throw your hands in the air, they think you have understood and just don't wish to comment. They respect your silence.

This week I think silence may be the best option.

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