Yesterday's weather: Still lovely despite being chilly!
It must be the UK half term holidays. Suddenly today the DIY store and supermarket were full of British cars and English voices again this morning. There are dozens of camper vans with north France registration plates heading south, so the French must be on holiday too.
Funny, we don't think about it most of the time but when the local town suddenly fills up after several weeks it comes back to us. After this week they will all disappear again until around Easter. Many people seem to live here only in the summer and they return on 1 March, the second wave usually arrive around 1 April and then from Whitsun onwards the population is around five times higher than in winter.
Rather like migrating birds, I suppose. Which is very strange since I just heard a noise outside. Hundreds of cranes are migrating south for the winter! If you look very carefully, you can see them.
These cranes are migrating too!
Link doesn't work. Sorry
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