Thursday, 4 October 2007

Parma Violet, anyone?

St. François
Yesterday's weather: warm, mild.

Along with the figs and walnuts (and the cherry tomatoes that keep coming), the other big harvest we have just had is lavender.

I love it but there are only so many lavender bags a person can use/give away in a year so I've been looking for alternative uses for the dried heads. I asked the question of my virtual friends and someone kindly found a web page telling me how to make essential oil. Lavender oil is useful for so many things (see here) and I've even found recipes for lavender shortbread and lavender ice cream about which I first thought 'Ugh', then I remembered Parma Violets, those little flowery sweets that were available in the 1960s (ooops, my age is showing again).

You can still buy Parma Violets, and a whole host of other lovely childhood memories too (if you are of a certain age). Black Jacks and Fruit Salads, Flying Saucers, Shrimps and Bananas. Oh to be six years old again.

But actually, not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Being 6 was no fun for you cos you didn't have a sister then did you?!!!!!!!!!