Friday, 7 September 2007

Venus in blue jeans?

Ste Reine
Yesterday's weather: Sunny, cool

September 7th, 1974. It was a day with mixed weather, a bit of rain in the morning, sunny and windy in the afternoon. The family home was buzzing with activity, family arriving with parcels, coming and going. It was our wedding day.

Here we are, 33 years later. It'll never last!! ;)

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Jon spent nearly all of yesterday putting up the roof on the chalet. I didn't count how many slats there were in the end, but I believe he used up a small steel works in nails. There is just the roof covering to put on ('Just!' I can hear him echoing!) and the veranda piece to attach. It will make a great little pool house next year when the pool is built, and will be used as a spare guest room from time to time. It's such a shame that the company let us down with such a slow delivery, then losing the floor and only delivering that two and a half weeks later than the six weeks late for the main parts. If they had been on time, it would have had good use this summer too.

We're taking a day off today to let Jon's aches and pains heal, and to celebrate our anniversary.

Figgy (I am refusing to call him 'the kitten' any more because he is a year old now and must be old enough to know better), had me up at 6 again this morning. If anyone knows a cure for cats scratching on doors and waking the household I will be pleased to hear it. At the moment he is getting water sprayed at him when he does it and I refuse to let him out until I want him to go. He hates it when I spray water at him but it doesn't stop him from scratching the door.

Anyway, what I was going to say is that when I woke up I could see a bright light outside. I've just looked it up and discovered that it is Venus, which is apparently visible low in the east between 5 and 6am early this month. If you have a clear sky and a good view it is stunning. Apparently there are more meteor showers due on Sunday, so we will hope for a clear sky and a good viewing.


Anonymous said...

Chop his legs off. I think that will work!
Our cat is no trouble at all. She has taken to sleeping on the footstool in the lounge and waits til I open the curtains in the morning before she will move.
You could always get a cat flap I suppose.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary to you both!!!
Just let Figgy out and go back to bed.... I'm sure it will save a lot of stress in the long run! Have a good day.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary Mum and Dad. I new something was up this morning as it was much too nice for a normal day. We both pass on our love!! B & S

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to the two of you. 33 years - no small achievement.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary xxxxxxxxx

Leo had his MMR today, not impressed at all!

Here's hoping for a non restless weekend!

So far so good over the past 2 nights, he's slept all the way through and has been a happy chappie :D

I on the other hand cannot function during the day anymore :(