Friday, 28 September 2007

Passing the time (Passing = 7 letters, 10 points, plus 50 for a bingo plus ...)

St Venceslas
Yesterday's weather: Wet morning, dry afternoon

Still laid up, I have been trying to find things to do but find that my attention span isn't very long. It is so frustrating, I'm fit and well apart from my foot but I can't get around and I'm under orders to keep my foot raised as much as possible. I have crocheted, read six books in 2 weeks, Sudoku'd and caught up on my e-mails and letters.

Someone recently (you know how you are!) introduced me to Facebook, an on-line community where you can catch up with old friends, colleagues and family members. He introduced me to this with the purpose of playing on-line Scrabble.

My vocabulary is growing daily. I am learning all sorts of ways to use the letter Q, Z and J to gain the maximum points. I don't know that the word MUZJIKS is one that I will use on a daily basis, but I'd love to get it on a triple word - 287 points in one hit (79 for the word, three times plus 50 for a Bingo)! It's something I will aspire to. Two letter words are very useful and it's almost worth compiling a little list or learning them all. There are, apparently, 94.

I am a bit of a stickler when it comes to spelling and grammar (I'm sure there have been errors in my blog for which I am deeply ashamed), and would never normally use the Americanization (note the Z) of putting -IZE at the end of a word when in English is it -ISE (realise/realize organise/organize). However, it is accepted on the Scabulous program (I really believe that ought to be 'programme') and if it's on a triple - well, sorry but I'm going to use it. My sister has refused to play me any more in disgust at my acceptance of the American Z so I'm running out of competitors. Apparently there is another program(me) where you can compete with strangers over the internet. I'm resisting the temptation.

For now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did your mother never tell you not to talk to strangers?