Sunday, 2 September 2007

Toad Hall

Ste Ingrid
Yesterday's weather: warmish, sunny. 23 degrees.

We have a toad living with us. I haven't seen him yet but Jon keeps running into him (and over him - more of that later).

He seems to have taken up residence in the wood pile that will be the chalet just as soon as the floor arrives. Don't even get me started on Castorama and their delivery policy.....

Jon found him first and put him over safely into the wild area (code for we haven't yet cleared the bambles and nettles) out of reach of the cats. He his quite a chunky toad, nicknamed Teddy. The next morning he was back under the chalet roof parts, still lying forlornly on the lawn. Jon moved him again safely away from the cats.

The next morning Jon decided to mow (no, you don't need to look away). Later on, he found Teddy just where he had spotted him on the previous two days having already mown that area and walked over it several times. Teddy had created himself a dug out - maybe something he learned from his great great grandfather who was, no doubt in the trenches of the Somme. Jon put him kindly but firmly once more into the undergrowth.

He probably got totally fed up at this point as we haven't seen him since. Good luck, Teddy. Happy hunting for a new home.

Just a short blog today as I have to get four loaves and a quiche in the oven for lunch, plus all the salads. Beds to make up. What am I doing here at the 'puter???


Anonymous said...

How odd...Wind in the Willows was on yesterday so you can imagine my first thought!
Toad sitting with a steering wheel in hand going "toot, toot!"

Anonymous said...

How different we are - my first thought was 'Toad in the hole'

Anonymous said...

Oh my!! your toad is so lucky to be living in your neck of the woods! over here in Aussie they are the baddies!! they eat all the native frogs and their poison is enough to kill cats and dogs so they have all manner of unspeakable things done to them! which I shall keep to myself in case your readers have delicate tums!!What on earth has happened to your shed thingy?