Meet Audrey 2....
As you know, we were out all day on Saturday 'Hallelujah'-ing and 'For unto us a child is born'-ing. It was dark when we got home and we didn't really take any notice of the outside.
I was very surprised yesterday morning when I came down to let Misty out and make tea to spot this little lady on the garden table.
We'd never seen her before and she had no label to say how she got here. None of our friends know anything about her and we don't know of anyone else who would have left her there.
So, we have decided that as she is a 'strange and unusual plant', and appears to have just landed here from nowhere, she must therefore be an Audrey 2.
We will be extremely careful to feed and nurture here and not to cut our fingers anywhere near her. If she starts saying 'Feed me', we will run like Paula Radcliffe and Emil Zatopek out of here!
If you don't know what on earth I am talking about - look here
By the way, if you do know anything about how she got here, do please tell!
Be VERY afraid!!!!!
If you have to run away, I'd run like Emile, not Paula. The need for a "toilet break" may prove fatal, if that truely vicious catches up with you.
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