Sunday, 20 April 2008

Not funny

Ste Odette

We have never seen anything like it. We've had this house for 10 years and have been here in all kinds of weather. Super wet, super dry, super cold, super hot but never have we had rivers flowing through the garden in this way.

Jon is very concerned about the bank around the house and especially the land around and under the chalet. We are hoping that this is passing through and doesn't take too much soil with it.


Steve Morton said...

Could there be a blocked culvert, or drain that is causing the water to come across your land instead it going the intended route.

Or may be a culvert needs to be added to divert this sort of heavy rain fall. A visit to the Marie might be a good idea to see if they are aware of the problem or the cause.

Hope you find the reason quickly.

Best regards

La Vie en Rose said...

Hi Steve, We believe it is just the unprecedented amount of rain we have had over the last two weeks here. The streams are all full and there is just nowhere else for the water to go.

See Monday's post for more photos.

Anonymous said...

Crikey, Sue, that is serious water. Hope it will dry up soon.