Thursday, 17 April 2008

Listen to Sis

St Anicet

Rain, rain, rain. I know it's sunny in the UK but here in the Lot we are drowning! We have, in the past, discovered various new rainwater runs through our land but we are surprised every time we get heavy rain to find different ways though. The current favourite is off the road, down the bank behind the chalet and collecting just there in a huge puddle. Why it can't all go on the other side of the road and top up the communal well, I just don't know. I know that it will all gather behind the cellar wall overnight ready to create another little stream through there tomorrow morning.

Our neighbour Monsieur D did warn us that the rain was on its way yesterday when I stopped to ask him to recommend a tree surgeon. He always talks about the weather, maybe he has heard that that is what English people like to talk about, I'm not sure. We made the most of yesterday late afternoon and sat in the sunshine until the temperature dropped as the sun disappeared behind the house.

Today we have been having another clear out. I know we've only been here a year but there is still a lot of, well, junk really, that we have accumulated. All those things that you know will just come in handy one day. Jon doesn't understand why we need to have two video recorder/players when we never watch videos - but we do have a collection of videos and lots of them haven't been released on DVD so I don't want to part with them. I still find it hard to throw perfectly servicable things away - including that old musical we taped when it was on Channel 4 about 18 years ago. We loved it and still watch it every couple of years even though the tape is severely worn and will probably snap on the next viewing. What about all the scraps of wool and fabric I have been collecting for years - no, I'm not parting with it, I might want to make some toys for the grandchildren's next visit.

Oh yes I will.

Probably. Perhaps. Oh, dammit, let's just throw half of it away then.

We discovered that we have two single and four double spare duvets. Considering we only have a two bedroomed house (not even that just at the moment) one would wonder why on earth we need so many. Well, we threw one out and as Jon was complaining how much room they take up, I drove down to the local 'tat' shop, and purchased several big plastic boxes and a collection of vacuum bags.

Now, my sister has suggested several times that I get some of those, and I've never taken her advice, so I want to make it clear right now. Anne, you were right. They are brilliant, the duvets take up a fraction of the space they used to.

Well they did until the cat stuck his claws in them and broke the vacuum.

Back to square one.


Anonymous said...

Duvets that are no longer wanted are much appreciated by the hunting dog rescue organisations in Spain, where the galgos struggle to keep warm at night. :-)

Anonymous said...

A stash of material!! Making things for Grandchildren?? As you well know, I had/have a cupboard full of 'things-to-do' gathered over the years for when I retire.... (Much of it bought in The Rag Shop on Route 30 - remember)?? Bits do come in useful on the odd occasion - But.. thanks to supermarket plastic carriers now being anti-social I have found a use for all sorts of odd pieces - by making shopping bags in various colours and sizes. Woe betide anyone so foolish as to admire one of my bags or even show the slightest interest in them...!!! What a sad old bat I've turned into - making shopping bags and going to garden centres and B and Q !!! What happened to MY LIFE???

La Vie en Rose said...

Thanks Susie, I'll look into that.

As to you mother - thanks for the warning, I will be sure not to so much as glance in the direction of your home made shopping bags next time I'm over in blighty! The Rag Shop, how I miss it. I haven't found anything in France (or England) to match it for range and price of craft goods. Especially the price!

Oh well, off out again for another day of looking at flooring. We really know how to live it up here y'know!

Anonymous said...

Your sister sounds an incredibly intelligent and sensible person!!

La Vie en Rose said...

Ha! You don't fool me, trying to disguise yourself as a nonny mouse, little sister!

Steve Morton said...

Hi Sue
Consider getting a DVD recorder and the you will be able to transfer all your favourite video tapes to DVD yourself. They are a lot cheaper these days and easy to use.

La Vie en Rose said...

Brilliant idea, Steve. We just realised that since our main dvd player died, we need to get a multi-region one too - I've got lots of USA musicals on DVD that only play on that region.

If only there were a FNAC round here, they are the best for that sort of thing. Leclerc espace culturel is next best thing I think - or Amazon..... Shopping time!