Tuesday, 29 April 2008

A garden full of men

St Wilfrid

Oh, what a lucky girl I have been today (apart from the 6 am alarm call, thank you Figaro!).

We started off with two men coming to take down the Horse Chestnut tree - which was pretty spectacular.
Now you see it.......

..... now you don't

Then later, as we were clearing some of the log piles around the garden, another two young and handsome men turned up to sort out the pool start it up and install the cover, an unsightly thing but necessary and compulsory to comply with French law (the options are an alarm which can go off at any time of the day or night should a mouse drop in, or a fence of a particular standard, height, quality and conforming to the law - it's ugly too).

So here we are at last. Treeless and with a pool that works. No excuses now for not tidying up and getting on with planting and laying paths. Dammit.


Anonymous said...

O good grovelling apology but it has obviously taken her 3 days to notice that you forgot - I suspect she doesn't read your blog everyday!!! Dutiful daughter? Methinks not!!

Anonymous said...

That looks so much better without unsightly tree...and the pool will get plenty more sun for more to laze alongside ;)

Trist has requested more pictures of your pool too please, to ensure he gets into the spirit of summer :D

Anonymous said...

Dutiful Daughter unfortunately has raised the anti christ and apologetically doesn't enjoy the time to indulge in the reading of blogs as much as she should...apologies for delay in noticing but feels that no one else thought to mention her missing celebratory message :(

La Vie en Rose said...

Doting Grandma says that dutiful daughter's child is wonderful and if he grows up to be as gorgeous as these two young men you will be very, very proud. (As I am of all my dutiful daughters)

Anonymous said...

Now that said daughters have all moved out of home!!

Anonymous said...

I would like to say that it is the 30th April and it is now 19:33 and i have been returning to the page continuously all day eagerly awaiting the next installment and there is nothing! Doing my dutiful daughter part :P