Yesterday's weather: gorgeous but cold - today someone has decided to throw buckets of water all over the house
I don't want anyone to think we have been idle and sitting around waiting for the phone and internet to come back. We've been busy planning the loft conversion, looking at stair options, costing insulation, walls and floors. And being very worried about it all. So much so that we have had to indulge in some planning fluid to help it all along (see earlier post).
We've cleared multiple square metres of land outside, Jon especially has put in hours of work and what a difference it has made. It was almost worth getting tangled in those 20 ft long brambles!
I was going to take more photos but it's chucking it down outside and I don't want to get wet! Bad enough when a cat comes through the back door dripping rain and jumps straight on your lap!
It has been difficult for us to contact people (obviously) whilst the phone was out of action and so I'm now on a mission to find the pool people and get them to start work. They promised March but it is looking increasingly unlikely at this point, especially as the forecast is for rain for the next 10 days. I have sent a very polite e-mail this morning explaining my disappointment and how we are looking forward to seeing them very soon. I won't hold my breath though, especially with a holiday weekend coming up.
We're looking forward to a nice meal again tonight as we return to the hotel school with friends. This time we are going to have a Soirée Breton with lots of seafood and a filet mignon of pork. It sounds delicious. We may just drown on the way though!
Any tips for getting rid of brambles? we have a bit of woodland that we need to tackle. I've bought Himself gloves, and made lots of encouraging, appreciative noises..
If only I had Frankofile. Sheer hard work and lots of arnica cream and plasters!
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