Tuesday, 18 December 2007

Weather again

St Gatien
Yesterday's weather: ........

I'm fed up with saying that it is cold, so I thought I would look for an alternative in Roget's Thesaurus.

So the weather yesterday, the day before and many days before that has been algid (?), arctic, below freezing, below zero, benumbed, biting, bitter, blasting, bleak, boreal, brisk, brumal, chill, chilled, cool, crisp, cutting, freezing, frigid, frore, frosty, frozen, gelid, glacial, hiemal, hyperborean, icebox, iced, icy, inclement (to say the least) intense, keen (keen??), nipping, nippy, numbed, numbing, penetrating, piercing, polar, raw, rimy, severe, sharp, shivery, snappy, stinging and wintery. (I missed out sleety and snowy because it hasn't done that - yet).

There, now I'm not going to mention it again until it warms up and the frost finally disappears from the area below the trees which doesn't get the sun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Has Roget never heard of brass or monkey?? These are commonly used words currently spoken here in Costa del Bearegreen at the moment. Glad to hear you two are still not missing out on our uk, sorry yuk, weather.