Wednesday, 14 November 2007

One day, two worlds

St Sidoine
Yesterday's weather: bright, sunny, cold.

We've had wet stuff falling out of the sky on and off today. We've not seen any of that sort of thing for weeks so it came as a bit of a shock. The cats found it a bit surprising too and after their usual disappearance through the kitchen door first thing this morning, they drank from their usual flower bowl, sniffed around to make sure there had been no intruders and headed straight back indoors.

We went out to market and the cats decided to stay home making themselves comfy, one on the sofa the other on the bed obviously also taking advantage of the fact that we weren't here to throw the wet, muddy one off the bed. More washing for the pile!

On our way to town the world looked lovely; the sun was shining and the trees were golden brown. We stopped at the post office to collect a parcel that the postman (known as Mr Smiley because he never does) didn't leave the other day even though we were home all day, then we took the 'pretty' route, the back roads down to town. The rain held off while we were shopping and we took advantage to have a quick lunch in town too.

On the way home the hills and trees looked entirely different with black clouds hovering over them; the trees that were golden looked sludgy brown and gray and the air just seemed so much colder. The rain is back again and I'm sure I can hear a cat scratching to be let in again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We had snow in Berlin - SNOW!! It was cold and wet too!