Sunday, 25 November 2007

Arts and craft

Ste Catherine
Yesterday's weather: bright and sunny

Yesterday morning we took a beautiful sunny drive down to Cahors town to mooch around the beautiful old town and visit the cathedral.

Cahors Saturday market is bustling and lively, one of the best in France, we are so lucky to have it so close to home. The cathedral with its two domes is spectacular, yesterday morning it was being cleaned ready for a concert which, I only learned yesterday, is a weekly event. The organ, which was built in 1863 is classified a 'national monument' and there are organ concerts every Saturday morning at 11am. We plan to go another week and will sit and admire the stained glass windows while enjoying the concert, before a coffee in a local cafe, a little shopping and, just maybe, lunch.

I'm sure all will be relieved to note that I did take my handbag with me yesterday.

I believe these times are known as 'senior moments' although I believe I am far too young to have those just yet being still several years away from my bus pass (not that I'll get one over here). I am reading a book (pinched from Mum's bedside table) where one of the characters is corrected:

'That's not a senior moment, that's a craft moment. Can't remember a f*****g thing!'

Now, that's more like me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pardon your French - you've been there too long you're sounding like a native!!!!!