Tuesday, 6 November 2007

Kept in the dark

Ste Bertille
Yesterday's weather: Foggy, few sunny breakthroughs

I woke up yesterday morning to the sound of the phone trilling at me. It wasn't an incoming call, just the phone connecting and letting me know that we had had a power cut.

There is absolutely nothing unusual about that. Although since the EDF upgraded the electricity supply to the village last April we haven't suffered from the number of cuts that we used to have. Anyway, we reset everything in the house once more and got on with our day.

At lunch time I went to cook a couple of little part baked baguettes. I find these a good option to getting in the car and going out to buy fresh bread every day and since Lidl sell packs of two for 39 cents they are a real bargain! Just as the new electric oven was heating up the electricity went off again.

'Bugger' we thought and put the gas oven on to cook the bread.

Jon checked that it wasn't the fuse box and everything seemed OK so we decided to sit and wait.

After a couple of hours we began complaining that we had missed out on the low tariff electricity over lunch time.

After another couple of hours we began to get a bit chilly and lit a gas ring to keep warm.

After the sixth hour with candles burning it was looking very cosy but we were getting fed up.

Jon went to check the fuse box for the second time and noticed a switch at the side that we'd never seen before. He flicked it and the lights came on.


Later, when I put some pring rolls in the little electric oven, the lights went out again.

There's a moral here somewhere but I can't think of one.


Anonymous said...

Don't ever admit you shop at Lidl! The one near here is full of people in slippers who take their children in there to hit them and make them cry!

SusieK said...

It's as good a place as any to take kids to hit them. :-)

And for value, unbeatable. The quality of their products is generally very good, too.

La Vie en Rose said...

The Lidls near to us are all very good. They are usually full of Dutch and German people rather than people hitting their children.

If I wanted to hit mine (and bear in mind that they are all bigger than me), I would take them to Leader Price which is a truly awful shop.

Anonymous said...

I was amused to see in the car park of 'our' Lidl one of the local 'great & good' [with a top of the range BMW] take the items out of their Lidl's carrier bags and put them into Waitrose carrier bags as they were transferring their purchases to the boot.
Larf? I nearly did.