St Thierry
Yesterday's weather: Fantastic, 26 degrees with a nice breeze
We have a new hobby. A few minutes every now and then are spent trawling through the thousands of channels on our new satellite system trying to find something sensible to watch. We got the system so that we can watch main-stream French TV but we haven't yet been able to align the dish to the correct satellite. This is not an easy task as it relies on one of us up a ladder moving the dish and the other testing the signal on the TV. So we have doors and windows open and one of us (usually me) running from the TV to the window to say what, if any, signal we have managed to find hoping that Jon hasn't moved the dish a fraction of an inch in the meantime. I think we have got as far as the 'M's in the listing now. Media TV was particularly boring (Italian), and the 'Coming Soon' channel (also Italian)was thrilling stuff (not). I can't wait for the zeds. Zoology TV? That will probably be Italian too.
We were up early this morning having a cup of tea on the patio at 7am. Sunday mornings are the quietest of the week here. No traffic passes on the road below us, all we could hear was the sound of Mrs Veranda flapping her tea towel.
View across the valley (April 2007 - before the trees were in leaf)
Mrs Veranda (not her real name!) is someone I have aspired to be for a long time. She lives on the other side of the valley to us and, although we can't see her or the rest of her household because they are too far away, we are aware of their presence. Mrs V gets her washing on the line by 7am every day. She airs her bedding over the balustrade of the veranda and is forever flapping. She flaps tea towels, towels, floor cloths, dish cloths and I'm sure she would flap her husband outside to dust him off if she could. Of course by the time we hear the flapping she has already gone indoors just because of the time it takes for sound to travel across the valley. So, as I say we have never seen her and wouldn't know her if we bumped into her in the village store and, actually, the desire to get my washing out on the line earlier than her is beginning to wear off now. However, I think it's time to get outside and beat the rugs.
Spent a few busy days in Berlin! My washing will not be on the line as it's raining (again) and the only flapping was at the airport when we landed as there was a security threat and it took over an hour before we were let off the pane then another one before we got through passport control!
My dearest daughter,
if you aspiring to be Mrs. Veranda, don't you think you should get out more????!!!
Your ever loving Mother x
And tell Jon to be careful up that ladder! (at his age)!
From Mrs Veranda:
I must admit that you take the biscuit saying I'm a flapper (sic) when your husband is hanging off the satellite dish with you running in and out the house every other minute!! You will certainly recognise me when we meet - I wear only the best nylon hose coat and apron with zip up boots and headscarf.
Helen et les Garcon?!
Haven't found Helen et les Garcons yet. You have a good memory!!!
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