Yesterday's weather: Mr Meteo got it wrong AGAIN! is the official weather forecast website for France*. You get a three-times-a-day forecast for 36 hours for the most localised weather and a 4 day overview for the whole of France or its regions. If you pay a subscription you can get a 'detailed' localised weather forecast for up to 4 days.
The weather is dear to our hearts. Not as much as to our neighbouring farmers, but we like to plan what jobs we can do in the morning or afternoon. If it is going to rain or be extremely hot (yes, it is sometimes) then we won't plan to do anything major outside. I have been putting off painting our gateposts for the right weather.
Yesterday we had invited friends to lunch. Mr Meteo, as we fondly refer to him as if he were a friend (not) had informed us that we would have mostly sunshine and a comfortable 22 degrees. The morning was glorious and we carefully set the table under the shade of the horse chestnut, not my most favourite of trees, but it does give excellent shade at lunchtime. By 12.30 our guests were expected, the sun went in, the temperature dropped and we were decidedly chilly under the tree. At 5pm they left. The sun suddenly appeared again and we had a beautiful sunny evening.
Question of the day: Would we pay a subscription for a detailed four day forecast? That's a tough one. If Mr Meteo can't get it right 4 hours in advance, then I think we will hang on to our money.
(Disclaimer)* Other weather forecasting websites are available
It's raining again!
Not here. Lovely sunny day - AT LAST
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