Saint Jean-Baptiste
Yesterday's weather: mixed cloud and sun - no rain - 21 degrees (today is fantastic already!)
One of the most annoying things we have here is flies. They arrived at the end of May in their millions and I must say that the entertainment value of seeing who can swat the most has long worn thin. We have put up temporary fly screens at the windows and door so there aren't too many indoors now - although to give you and idea of what we are up against, even so we regularly swat around a dozen in the kitchen every hour or so and probably twenty before we go to bed at night. I'm sure that any Bhuddists reading this will be horrified, and much as I don't enjoy killing things, flies are our exemption. Outside is a nightmare. We can't sit on the patio without being hassled but luckily in the shade it is much more comfortable - they are sunbathing flies! At least they don't bite - my collection of insect bites is still quite colourful, I'm hoping that one day I will become immune - creatures don't think Jon tastes quite as nice as me. When our new windows arrive (normalement this will be in September but we are hoping before summer 2008) we hope that the integral fly screens will help solve the problem indoors - but if anyone knows of a good solution for outside, do let us know.
Picture of the day is the field being whisked. Monsieur Deneux was busy yesterday afternoon whisking all his hay before it will be collected up into rolls. As rain is forecast for tomorrow we are wondering if he will forego his day of rest today - the weather is fantastic this morning, 22 degrees at 10am.
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