Sunday, 17 August 2008


Ste Hyacinthe

The hills are alive round here.

We would like to make a public apology to any of our neighbours who may be able to hear us (hopefully none) as we dust off the vocal chords and begin rehearsals.

We are taking part in a one-off performance of Handel's Messiah (or Haendel's Messie as the French call it), in September.

My poor vocal chords haven't had a public airing for many years and the easy soprano I used to manage is struggling so I may have to downgrade (?) to sing the alto part, which needs to be learned. The trouble is that I have to decide which to sing now, before I send off the registration form, do I trust that the high notes will come back in around 6 weeks, or do I learn a completely new score?

It's a dilemma.


Anonymous said...

You could always do what the St Mary's Singers used to do and make it up as you go along!

Anonymous said...

oh! Sue, are you going to Puycelsi? I can't think that there's more than one Messiah from scratch going on around here :-) I'm going -- so if you are, there's a chance to meet in real life!

I went 2 years ago; it was great fun, but tiring with over 2 hours' drive each way, so I'm staying overnight this time.