Thursday, 7 August 2008

Courgettes all over the place

St Gaétan

Yes, it's that time of year again. Courgettes and tomatoes all over the place - add to that aubergines which were just too good a bargain to miss in the supermarket this week which were supplemented by my friend's surplus and I've been feeding the freezer.

I found my very, very old freezer book which contained a superb recipe for courgettes - and so simple - I'll share it with you - it's easy to adjust the quantities to however many courgettes you have, so I'm not being exact.

Slice courgettes, as many as you have, then fry them in a little butter just until they begin to soften. Take them out of the pan and put them into a freezable dish or tin foil container.

Sprinkle them with lemon juice, chopped fresh basil and grated cheese of your choice. Leave it all to cool. Top with breadcrumbs - I always have plenty in the freezer as the bread tends to go dry quickly here. Freeze and label.

When you want to use the dish, take it out of the freezer and pop it in a hot oven for 30 minutes or so until it is cooked through.


Personally, I would serve this dish with a cheeky Chablis.

If I could afford it. Meanwhile any old white plonk, a green salad and a slab of fresh chunky bread to mop up the juices.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sue , I like your recipe suggestion.My portugese neighbour always showers us in cougettes and Im never sure what to do with them all.

Anonymous said...

When I was pregnant with Hanni many years ago we went picking courgettes which I duly froze in loads of freezer bags, then the morning sickness hit me and I could not open the freezer without wanting to be sick, all those little green bags staring back at me,move forward 28years and your recipe made me want to indulge in them again, tee hee