Friday, 6 June 2008

Lunch bunch

St Norbert

The weather is iffy. Luckily the rain held off yesterday although what had been a beautiful morning (complete with bright, golden haze on the meadow and corn as high as an elephant's eye) turned into a rather grey lunch time.

We still held the book group lunch in the garden as it was fairly warm and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Jon and I were a little frazzled round the edges as, as usual, everything took longer to prepare than we had expected and we were still mixing salad dressings at midday when our first guests arrived.

We had poached salmon, two types of quiche and many salads. Then cheese, followed by poached peaches and nectarines with marscapone cream. Almost all the dishes were empty by the end of lunch and everyone complimented us on not only the lunch but also the chocolate brownie squares I served with coffee.

Luckily for us, there was just enough poached salmon left for us to have some salmon fishcakes for supper, served with a nice lime mayonnaise and a few chips (extra naughty, naughty but we had earned them).

It was a satisfied group then, who discussed our previous two months' books and selected books for July, August and September. We find it easier to select three months at a time so that anyone visiting the UK can pick up books there, or we can save on postage by buying them all from Amazon. The books we selected are quite a mix. Jonathan Tropper's new novel 'How to Talk to A Widower' for July, Andrea Camilleri's 'The Shape of Water' (the first in his series about a Sicilian detective and his very amusing colleagues), and Doris Lessing's 'The Golden Notebook'. I must add them to my Amazon wish list and ensure we get them before the next meeting.


Anonymous said...

Micky has been reading Andrea Camilleri's books for a few years and loves them. For a price he may loan that one to you as it's on the shelf!

La Vie en Rose said...

We've been reading them for years too and that's the only one that is missing.

However, I now know where it is - with my current house guest. I'll be picking it up again soon!