Sunday, 4 May 2008


St Silvain

Sorry you didn't get a 'silent Saturday' this week we were far tooo preoccupied using the pool for the first time.

It heated up nicely on Saturday and we spent a very pleasant afternoon and evening around the pool and pool house. We were especially impressed with the pool light which makes it a beautiful colour after dark.

So we sat and admired, listening to a little smooth jazz on the CD player, sitting on the pool house veranda watching the distant lights of the metropolis that is our village (population 293).

Today we have been busy doing nothing - catching up on our rather late reading for April and getting ahead with May, cleaning the pool (an excuse for an hour in the sun in the morning) and generally pottering about (Jon actually was being pretty energetic this morning chopping more wood from the trees we've taken down but I soon put a stop to that sort of activity).

We have a very busy week ahead of us, we have to collect the forms for our first tax return, sort out our French driving licences, see the chimney people again about the fitting, and progress further on our hunt for the loft floor.

Now, where's that glass of wine?

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