Tuesday, 1 January 2008

Happy New Year

Le Jour de l'An

Not a saint's day today, just the day of the year.

Happy New Year to all our readers. May 2008 bring you all happiness, health and all you desire (unless you are just being greedy in which case, tough!).

2007 was a big one for us. Giving up work and moving to France isn't something to be taken lightly and we had planned it for many years.

What were the highlights?
  • Lots of parties in January last year to say our 'adieus' - not 'goodbyes'. We remember every one of them with fondness and appreciation at having such wonderful friends and family back there in Blair/Brown land.
  • Arriving here in the house we had owned for so long but never lived in. There was snow on the ground and it was incredibly cold but we warmed it up as best we could, opened a bottle of champagne and just got on with things.
  • Having my Mum to help us settle in for the first week, having her back again in April with my aunt to cat sit, and again in November. Thank you, Mum.
  • A few days in Munich with my ex-colleagues, it was a wonderful time.
  • All the visitors who came to see us this last (edited for the benefit of our most pedantic reader) year - every one was a pleasure and we hope you will return soon. We had such fun and laughs with many of you, and caught up after too many years with some.
  • Waking up each morning in this beautiful place and not having to go to work!
  • Watching the cats settle in and explore the outside world for the first time (they had been indoor cats in the UK).
Things to look forward to for the coming year:
  • A holiday in Hong Kong. We are very excited!
  • Converting the attic, extending the sitting room and getting a log burner for next winter.
  • The installation of the swimming pool - surely next summer can't be as bad as the last?
  • Lots more visitors, some already booked in and some more who have promised to come during 2008.
  • Waking up each morning in this beautiful place and not having to go to work (still).

And New Year's Resolutions?

I resolve not to make any resolutions that I will, no doubt, break.


Anonymous said...

Was your proof reader having a day off?
Highlight 5 = "All the visitors who came to see us this year...". This year?
Your standards are slipping girl. This lowering of blog quality will not be accepted by this reader.

Other than that... a Happy New Year to the both of you.

La Vie en Rose said...
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La Vie en Rose said...

Some people can be soooooooooo pedantic.

Blog edited just to please Jim.

BTW James - where is your Skype address? Please e-mail it so that we can connect and then you can tell me on the phone instead of in writing for all to see!

Unknown said...

Moi? Pedantic?

You cut me to the bone with your hurtful comments.
