Tuesday, 21 August 2007

Three drowned rats

St Christophe
Yesterday's weather: Read on...

I said something was bound to happen yesterday. The sand, gravel and paving was delivered just after lunch by Zinadine Zidane. Well, he looked very much like ZiZi so we didn't upset him since we didn't want to be head butted.

ZiZi was a master with the crane and managed to get everything off his lorry safely without bringing down the phone line which is not best placed. We planned to work off the large pizzas I had made for lunch and set to filling the chalet base. Jon and our friend took it in turns to shovel and wheel barrow loads across the garden and I was tasked with raking it all into place.

At that point the heavens decided to open wide and pour gallons of water over us. It didn't stop until after dark so we worked for three hours in the rain. It may sound odd to say that all three of us really enjoyed ourselves and had a great sense of satisfaction when it was done. I have been feeling very sorry for our guest that he has had awful weather and we haven't been taking him out and about to see the area, but he claims he has been happy as we have fed him well (apparently) and he has finished the book he brought with him.

Still no news about the missing floor though. I'll have to chase it up again all day today. And it's raining again.

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