Monday, 16 July 2007

Planning frustrations

Ste Elvire
Yesterday's weather: the same as Saturday. Lovely.

I'm at the kitchen table with floury hands this morning. We don't need to go out and the baker is closed anyway, so I'm making bread, and sausages for the freezer, and a nice pasta sauce, also for the freezer. A busy day ahead.

Jon is doing the preparation for painting the last few windows and the next job will be the foundations for the outdoor room. I've just heard back from my application to be exempt from getting a planning application that I haven't supplied enough plans. I have now to do another, three-dimensional plan of the area we want to put it on complete with all measurements. Pain in the backside! I've never drawn anything like that before, so it'll be a first. It certainly won't be totally accurate as we can't get to our boundaries to measure them exactly. Too many brambles and nettles in the way. In fact, the chalet that I submitted planning for isn't the one we have on order, although they are roughly the same size. Now I'll have to check that we have the measurements of the other one stored somewhere!

Jazz decided to take a night on the tiles last night but she hasn't been home yet today, and it's almost lunchtime. I'll have to take a walk and find her later on. The latest she's been home after a night out is 2pm, so I won't panic until then.

It's very hot again but more cloudy that the last few days. There's no rain forecast during the day so I'll have to get out with the watering can to try and keep my remaining plants alive. The unblighted tomatoes are cropping madly now and we are promised a good crop of green peppers - I'm keeping a close eye on slugs and crickets to make sure we don't lose anything else.


Anonymous said...

Would they not accept a photo of the area with the measurements marked out on it?

La Vie en Rose said...

Who ever knows, Nony Mouse. I think I'll try both to be on the safe side.