Wednesday, 25 July 2007

In search of lemon grass

St Jacques
Yesterday's weather: Horrible

Happy Saint's Day to Jack (and well done for winning all your races at sport's day yesterday)

Since our arrival here we have been searching for a source of 'exotic' vegetables. Lemon grass, fresh chillies, coriander. We preferred the little covered market in the centre of Cahors where we could, on occasion, find a fresh chilli imported from Morocco, but it was very hit and miss and we never did find lemon grass. Just around the corner from the covered market is a tiny doorway leading into an Aladdin's cave of loose tea and coffee. On the way through you pass tins and jars of loose spices, packets of poppadoms and a full array of cooking ingredients for Chinese and Asian cookery. The smell itself is enticing - but we still hadn't found any lemon grass.

In a moment of inspiration I searched through the archives of my favourite on-line community. My virtual friends who are the fount of all knowledge when it comes to living in France. Someone had posted details of a shop in Brive which, she claimed, had the best fresh fruit and vegetables, including exotics, that she had seen.

As it was so miserable yesterday morning, we bundled into the car and headed north. North is not my favourite direction as it reminds me of all those years of the French house being our holiday home and having to leave it after a short stay.

I digress (as usual). So, we found the shop recommended. It is called Grand Frais and we will be going again. And again. And again. We meandered around with saucer-sized eyes like two kids let loose in a sweet shop. The array of fresh fruit and veggies was amazing. There were varieties of lettuce we hadn't seen in the market, huge bunches of herbs for only 75 cents each and, you've guessed it, lemon grass! And birds eye chillies, huge hot green chillies, yams, coconuts, tamarind. Wow! And most amazing of all was a constant mist of water being sprayed over the display to keep everything fresh.

We filled the trolley with bunches and pots of fresh herbs (two different types of basil!), fresh vegetables and jars of Italian sun dried tomatoes in oil and artichoke hearts in oil. More ingredients for Chinese cookery and so much more. The car smelt fantastic on the drive home and now the kitchen is fragrent with basil, dill, parsely and coriander.

Even better, when we left Grand Frais we noticed a garden centre next door. Wow again! This is the best garden centre we have seen since we arrived. It has a wonderful range of plants, indoor and outdoor. Fruit trees, varieties of rose, perennials galore and all at good prices too.

But, guess what? It was 11.55 and they were just closing for lunch so unfortunately I couldn't also fill the car with plants.

Brive and home is an 80 mile round trip but so well worth it that we are going to make it a monthly visit from now on.

Well, I'm off back to the kitchen to use all these ingredients before they go off!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

JOKE DU JOUR - A woman gets on a bus with her baby. As she pays for her ticket, the bus driver says: "That's the ugliest baby I've ever seen. Ugh!"
The woman sits down, fuming. She says to a man next to her: "The driver just insulted me!"
The man says: "You shouldn't take that. You tell him off – go ahead, I'll hold your monkey."